The quickest way to add subscriptions in Next.js
This demo showcases user subscriptions in a Next.js 14 project using the Reflow auth library.
Try subscribing to one of the plans displayed below.
Auth & Subscription Status
Here we display information about the user based on their authentication and subscription status.
Auth status: You are not signed in.
Subscription status: You are not subscribed.
Subscription Plans
Select one of the plans and start a subscription.
You can use a Stripe testing card during checkout.
CVC: Any 3 digits
Date: Any future date
This is just a subscription plan for demo purposes.
- - Standard Access
- - Basic Features
- - Test Plan
This is just a subscription plan for demo purposes.
- - Premium Access
- - Advanced Features
- - Test Plan
Guarded Actions
Depending on the user's auth and subscription status, only some of the buttons will be available.